Featured Articles & Insights Investor Perspectives Advanced Endowment Model: The Right Building Blocks Advanced Endowment Model: The Right Building Blocks How can investors build resilient portfolios in today’s evolving markets? Our latest article dives into the first spoke of our Advanced Endowment Approach (AEA), uncovering strategies like optimizing risk, leveraging private markets, and fortifying with inflation protection. Newsletter Inflections: Trump 2.0 Tariffs: ‘Art of the Deal’ or ‘The Most Beautiful Word’? Inflections: Trump 2.0 Tariffs: ‘Art of the Deal’ or ‘The Most Beautiful Word’? Although there is still over a month to go before inauguration, the new Trump cabinet has largely taken shape and… Investor Perspectives Advancing the Endowment Model Advancing the Endowment Model The endowment model of investing, which advocates healthy diversification across traditional and alternative assets, has come under fire. At a… All Research Filters Filter Research Search Search Search Clear Insight Topic Insight Topic Insight TopicAll TopicsAbsolute Return (5)After Tax Investing (6)Alternative Asset Classes (1)Asia (7)Assessing Manager Performance (4)Asset Allocation (3)Cash (4)Commodities (5)Core Investment Principles (3)Covid Pandemic (6)Currency Management (1)Economic Growth (4)Emerging Markets (4)Family Office Best Practices (3)Fees and Costs of Investing (1)Fixed Income (Govt Bonds) (4)Foreign Currencies (4)Illiquidity Budgeting (1)Inflation (3)Inflation Linked Bonds (4)Interest Rates (2)Investment Committee Best Practice (2)Investment Policy (2)Investment Themes (2)Liquid Credit (4)Manager Due Diligence (4)Market Commentary (2)Our Leaders On Stage (12)Outsourcing Investment Management (3)Performance Benchmarking (1)Portfolio Construction (1)Private Debt (4)Private Equity (8)Private Equity GP Account Investing (1)PRMEA (3)Public Equities (5)Real Estate (4)Risk Budgeting (2)Risk Management (3)Summary Views (6)Sustainable Investing (13)Tactical Asset Allocation (5)Technology (2)The Endowment Model (7)The Optimal Investment Process (2)Venture Capital (3) Insight Content Type Insight Content Type Insight Content TypeAll TypesCase Study (1)Investor Perspectives (17)Newsletter (2)Podcast (7)Pro Content (7)Report (4)Video (10)Whitepaper (126) Reset Articles & Insights Whitepaper The Cyclicality of Manager Alpha 2016 represented a year by which active investors had crowded into virtually every corner of the investment world, exhausting any… Whitepaper Technology’s Impact on Active Investing Big Data, or the growing universe of information traversing the web, that is available to systematic and fundamental active managers… Pro Content PRO Cracking The Code on Manager Selection This is an updated version of our whitepaper on what it takes to make a great investor which captures insights… Whitepaper How to Evaluate Investment Performance Most active investment managers fail to justify their fees. Apparent outperformance is often the result of specific market risks, not… 123…1314