Katie Thorpe joined Partners Capital London office in 2024 as a Partner and Global Chief Operating Officer.
Katie spent the first eight years of her career with PwC in London. From there she spent seven years at J Rothschild Capital Management, the investment manager of the listed investment trust RIT Capital Partners plc, where she held senior roles in both finance and operations. Between 2018 and 2020 Katie served as Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer at The Law Debenture Corporation plc, where she helped to drive growth in their global professional services business, as well as modernising and upgrading the finance, control, and investor relations functions.
Katie joins Partners Capital from Aztec Group where she held the role of Chief Financial Officer, leading a team of 130 people globally across finance, compliance, legal, risk, internal audit, and property. Katie has a degree in Economics and Management Studies from the University of Leeds and is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
Location: London