Making a Difference – Developing your Philanthropy Strategy

blue abstract shapes

‘‘ Poor and restricted are our opportunities in this life; narrow our horizon; our best work most imperfect; but rich men should be thankful for one inestimable boon. They have it in their power during their lives to busy themselves in organizing benefactions from which the masses of their fellows will derive lasting advantage, and…

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Cracking The Code on Manager Selection

Abstract image featuring various shades of blue and black with white speckles, resembling a cosmic or deep-sea scene, as if cracking the code of the universe's hidden realms.

This is an updated version of our whitepaper on what it takes to make a great investor which captures insights from legendary investors of the past as well as the next generation. The original version was written as a briefing document for three separate working dinners with distinguished asset managers, which took place in NYC,…

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The Most Basic Lessons of Investing

Abstract image featuring smooth, wavy blue lines creating a flowing pattern, reminiscent of the ebb and flow of investing and financial education.

This note describes the most important learning about investing including some very basic principles and some useful tools. Many of these are rooted in fundamental academic research, and generally accepted. A few are only supported by what we believe to be compelling common sense. We would expect that the most sophisticated and successful institutional investors…

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