How to Evaluate Investment Performance

A dark abstract pattern with intertwining blue and black waves and swirls gives a textured appearance, reminiscent of the complexities one might evaluate in investment performance.

Most active investment managers fail to justify their fees. Apparent outperformance is often the result of specific market risks, not manager skill. Partners Capital uses a systematic look-through risk quantification process to separate market risks from manager skill. This allows our clients to allocate capital to those managers who are most likely to generate a…

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TAA Best Practices for Endowments & Foundations

A series of intersecting blue light trails on a black background, creating a dynamic pattern of curved and straight lines, embodying the best practices for visual excellence.

It is Partners Capital’s belief that, since the onset of the Global Financial Crisis, tactical asset allocation (“TAA”) needs to comprise a larger part of overall portfolio management and should feature prominently on the agendas of quarterly endowment investment committee meetings. The vast majority of active asset managers across all asset classes are finding it…

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