Money Maze Podcast – Asia: The Multi-Asset Class Opportunity Set

Arjun Raghavan, CEO of Partners Capital, Adam Watson, Partner and Co-Head of Asia Pacific, and Harvey Toor, CIO of Singapore Management University (SMU) are featured on The Money Maze Podcast with Simon Brewer. The conversation explores the investment opportunity set presented by Asia and the importance of a multi-asset class approach to capture it. Topics…

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“COP 37 Will Be Very Interesting” – Stan Miranda on the C.O.B.T. Veriten Podcast

Partners Capital Co-Founder and Chairman Stan Miranda is featured on Veriten’s Close of Business Tuesday (C.O.B.T.) Podcast, hosted by Maynard Holt, Jeff Tillery and Mike Bradley. Stan provides a “state of the union” on the path to global energy transition and outlines Partners Capital’s investment approach. Topics discussed, include: Veriten was founded by Maynard Holt. Veriten is…

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Stan Miranda discusses the Partners Capital Green Energy Transition Investment Framework on PEI’s Spotlight Podcast

Stan Miranda, Partners Capital Founder and Chairman, is featured on Private Equity International’s Spotlight Podcast with Toby Mitchenall discussing the unprecedented uncertainty of energy transition investing. Stan shares the Partners Capital Global Energy Transition Investment Framework, which breaks down the component parts of the transition and highlights where we see opportunity as well as uncertainty.…

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